The Kent County Council election on 6 May for the Elham Valley county council division has been cancelled following the sudden death of candidate Christopher Deane .
The situation is known as a countermanded election.
Local County Councillor Susan Carey explained saying: ‘One of the candidates for the Elham Valley County Council division has died after nominations closed and before postal votes were sent out; the election for this one seat has therefore been cancelled in accordance with electoral law and will now take place within 35 working days of 6 May.’
Cllr Carey assured local people that the two by-elections for Hawkinge Town Council (one in Churchill ward and one in Uphill) and the election for the Police & Crime Commissioner will still go ahead on 6 May.
Cllr Carey said: ‘We do not yet have a date for the new election for County Council and I have asked KCC’s Democratic Services team to put in place a temporary contact email to pick up the normal queries and problems I would deal with as your local member.
‘Unless a legal way can be found, I will cease to be your County Councillor from 10 May and there will be no one in place until after the new election.
‘I will be happy to continue to help as much as I can and residents are welcome to contact me at until 10 May and after that date you can contact If you wish, copy me in on
‘Christopher Deane was also standing for the town council vacancy in Hythe. This election too will be cancelled and the whole process will start again.’
Please note the street stall planned for 17 April to meet the Conservative candidates has been cancelled as all campaigning has been paused by the Conservative Party for the day of the Duke of Edinburgh’s funeral.
Other local events
The street stall will now take place from noon to 2pm on Saturday 24 April near the Hawkinge Village Hall when Susan Carey, Ben Powell and Ben Potter will be looking forward to seeing people in a socially distanced way .
The community litterpick in Hawkinge on 17 April is also cancelled and the next joint effort will take place on Saturday 15 May (it’s always the third Saturday of the month – meet outside the Hawkinge Community Centre).