DDC officers, cabinet member for community Cllr Charlotte Zosseder and DDC leader Cllr Kevin Mills with partners at the Crosslinks hub

Work to transform the home of a youth club in Dover is nearing completion which will allow it to expand its services for young people. 

The DDC-owned building at 13 Sheridan Road is due to be leased by Crosslinks and is currently undergoing extensive refurbishment by the council. This includes a new shopfront and a roof to its courtyard to create new internal space. 

The charity already leases the building next door from DDC, from which it provides a safe space for youngsters to socialise, access one-to-one support and learn new skills. 

Crosslinks is carrying out work to this existing space as part of the expansion plans. Once all the work is completed, the youth hub will run from both buildings. 

Taking over the neighbouring premises will allow Crosslinks to increase its offering with features including a new computer and music suite, and a new dedicated art studio. 

The current work is due to be completed at the end of October, with the renovated buildings re-opened in November. Crosslinks services are currently being run out in the community. 

Future plans by Crosslinks involve fundraising to provide an extended kitchen so it can run a communal cafe, run by volunteers and hub users. 

Cllr Charlotte Zosseder, cabinet member for community, said:

“Crosslinks is an important community facility which provides a safe and vibrant place to go for our youngsters. 

“I’m delighted we have been able to carry out this work to not only improve the existing offering but enhance the services Crosslinks provides. 

“It is vital that young people have a safe space where they can see their friends, access support or take part in activities they might not otherwise have access to. 

“Hubs like these are a lifeline to many and we’re pleased we are able to help it continue this important work.” 

Crosslinks’ Chair of Trustees Linda Beverton said:

“We are truly blessed by the support we have had from DDC and Hipperson Ltd, and for the donations of furniture and equipment which will provide an exciting resource including a music and IT suite for homework clubs. 

“The space will also be used by outside agencies who support our young people and opened up to other age groups in the community to provide support and a safe place to meet. 

“We cannot wait to take possession of the completed building.” 

Keep up to date with Crosslinks see www.crosslinksdover.org.uk  

By Ed

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