Residents can expect to see extra police in Broadstairs in the coming weeks.

Extra patrols will be carried out in the town starting this week, as part of measures to deter anti-social behaviour. As well as the local Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) and town centre officers, residents will see Kent Police’s Problem Solving Task Force on patrol in shopping areas including the High StreetWestwood Cross and local green spaces.

Extra team

The team, consisting of several PCSOs, is dedicated to addressing the concerns of communities across Kent, including anti-social behaviour and shoplifting.

In Broadstairs they will also be supporting Thanet District Council’s enforcement of the Public Space Protection Orders, including the prohibitions of drinking alcohol in a public place and possessing and using compressed gas cannisters.

During the summer months, Kent Police has already used additional powers such as dispersal orders to deter groups of people causing disturbances in Pierremont Park and the High Street, also resulting in arrests linked to drugs offences.

Working with the community

Inspector Ian Swallow from Thanet’s Community Safety Unit said: ‘The team will focus on the things that matter most to residents and businesses by engaging with the community, identifying issues and then working with our local officers and partner agencies towards a positive outcome.

‘A number of residents have spoken to officers already, highlighting their concerns about the use of the gas cannisters and finding them discarded so the team will be taking action against anyone found with those.

‘I hope people will take the time to share any concerns with the team to help them build up a picture of what matters most.’

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