Violent Canterbury man who fatally stabbed victim near Faversham is convicted of murder

A violent man who armed himself with a knife and then fatally stabbed a victim near Faversham has been convicted of murder.

On Wednesday 13 March 2024, William Cosier went to the Queens Head public house in The Street, Boughton-under-Blean, where he spent some time in the bar with associates.

William Cosier Photo: Kent Police

At around 10.30pm, Adam Pritchard entered the premises and spoke to Cosier while walking towards him. Crosier suddenly threw a punch and further blows were exchanged until Cosier raised a bar stool above his head and Mr Pritchard walked out of the building.

Cosier immediately went into the kitchen area and picked up a knife with a 22cm blade, in spite of a member of staff urging him to put it down. He returned to the bar where Mr Pritchard was now standing outside the door and beckoning him to come out.

He followed Mr Pritchard into The Street whilst concealing the knife behind his back. He was then seen lunging with the weapon towards his target, who was backing away. At some point Mr Pritchard produced a BB gun which he fired in Cosier’s direction.

The pair ended up fighting in the road causing a minibus to swerve. Mr Pritchard again backed away followed by Cosier and they grappled again before Cosier returned to the pub with bloodstains on his top and face. He then fled the scene in his white Mercedes which was parked nearby.

Mr Pritchard, suffering from two stab wounds, returned towards the pub and two people placed him in a black Peugeot in an attempt to get him to hospital. On the way they flagged down an ambulance and he was treated by a paramedic at the roadside. The 35-year-old victim was later confirmed deceased at the scene.

Police searched the Peugeot and seized the BB gun from the boot of the vehicle.

An investigation was begun by detectives and, following enquiries to locate Cosier, he handed himself in at Canterbury Police Station on 14 March.

On 16 March, the Crown Prosecution Service authorised a charge of murder against Cosier. He was also charged with possessing a knife in a public place.

Cosier, from Canterbury, pleaded not guilty at Canterbury Crown Court and on Wednesday 9 October was convicted following a trial. The 34-year-old will be sentenced on Friday 1 November.

Detective Inspector Lee Neiles, of the Kent and Essex Serious Crime Directorate, said: 

‘Cosier had plenty of opportunity to de-escalate the confrontation that ultimately led to the death of a man with a young family.

‘Instead he chose to arm himself with a large knife and continued to target his victim who was seen backing away whilst trying to defend himself with a BB gun.

‘I would like to thank the witnesses who have assisted us to bring this violent individual to justice. Cosier has left a family mourning the tragic loss of a loved one and I hope his conviction will allow them to find some closure.’

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