Medway sex offender jailed for flouting court-imposed restrictions

Richard Howes, a registered sex offender from Medway who was serving a suspended sentence, has been jailed for flouting court restrictions imposed in 2021. 

Howes was issued with a sexual harm prevention order at Maidstone Crown Court on 20 August 2021, following a conviction for making indecent images of children.

Richard Howes Photo: Kent Police

The conditions of his order required him to make any internet-enabled device available for inspection by the police on request, and to notify them within three days if he acquired any new devices. 

However, on 28 February 2024, police visited Howes after they suspected he had a new phone and had failed to notify them. Howes presented a phone and a tablet for inspection and denied having any other devices. He was arrested and a search of his property located two further tablets and another phone he had not declared.

59-year-old Howes, from Chatham, pleaded guilty at Maidstone Crown Court to three breaches of a sexual harm prevention order. He was sentenced on Thursday 3 October, to one year and six months’ imprisonment which included six months for breaching a suspended sentence.

Investigating officer, PC Areolito Gashi, said:

‘When an offender receives a sexual harm prevention order the restrictions on their conduct are explained and they sign to confirm they understand what is required of them. The offender then has to show they can comply with the conditions over a period set by the court.

‘Howes failed to demonstrate he could be trusted whilst at large in the community and must now reflect on his failure whilst behind bars.’

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