President of the Harveian Society Dr Williams speaks to the assembly Photo: Ray Duff :::
Words and pictures by Ray Duff – On Sunday the 2nd of June the annual commemoration of Folkestone’s most famous son Dr William Harvey, the discoverer of the circulation of blood in the body, took place once again through the town.

Folkestone Mayor Cllr Abena Akuffo-Kelly and Dr Williams below the statue Photo: Ray Duff :::
The commemoration began at The Burlington near the top of Earls Avenue with the colouful civic parade, led by mace holder Ian Bishop ahead of Folkestone Town Mayor Cllr Abena Akuffo-Kelly along the Leas past the Bandstand; where the opening weekend’s music and fun event was also taking place; to the Harvey Statue by the Leas near the Leas Cliff Hall.

Captain Oliver-left- leads the commemoration Photo: Ray Duff :::
The commemoration service was then held led this year by Captain Richard Oliver from the Salvation Army who read prayers and spoke of the work of Dr Harvey. The caplet wreaths were then laid by the Mayor followed by the Dr Robert Morris Williams, this years President of the Harveian Society of London and then Terry Begent of behalf of Folkestone’s local historians. Members of the London Medical society were also in attendance.

The assembly below the statue of William Harvey Photo: Ray Duff :::
The assembly below the statue of William Harvey Dr Williams then gave a brief speech praising the life and work of Dr Harvey and its on-going importance even today. This was followed by closing prayers by Capt Oliver.

The plaque in Church Street marking Harvey’s nearby birthplace Photo: Ray Duff :::
This year, in a change to the usual proceedings, the procession then paraded down the Leas to the Memorial Arch, then through St Mary & St Eanswythe’s Parish Churchyard to Church Street for a brief stop at the plaque which marks the nearby birthplace of Harvey for prayers. Thereafter the civic event finished at the Town Hall.

The assembly holds prayers below the plaque Photo: Ray Duff :::
It should be noted that in just four years time, in 2028, there are two major Harvey anniversaries these being:
- The 450th of his birth on 01 April 1578
- The 400th of his publishing his seminal work ‘De Motu Cordis’ in 1628
It is hoped to have a great deal more celebrations of these events during that year.
Further info:-
Dr William Harvey –
De Motu Cordis –