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CCTV images of two women have been released by police after an elderly woman had her purse stolen in Faversham.
The victim had been shopping in Market Street, Faversham, on Friday 8 December 2023 when she noticed her bag had been opened and her purse, which contained money, was missing.
A second woman also reported her purse being stolen on the same day while she was shopping in Peacocks, The Forum, Sittingbourne. Both incidents are believed to have happened between 1pm and 1.53pm.
A further report of theft is also being connected to the two incidents. On Saturday 2 December a woman reported a mobile phone being stolen from inside a salon in Albany Road, Sittingbourne at around 1.10pm.
Anyone who recognises the women or has information about the incidents should call Kent Police on 01795 419119 quoting reference 46/216430/23.
You can also call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111 or complete their online form.