A new managing director has been appointed to lead the next stage of delivering the Otterpool Park garden town.

Gary Ridgewell is taking over this month at Otterpool Park LLP – the company wholly owned by Folkestone & Hythe District Council to deliver 8,500 new homes for the district.

Construction director for Otterpool LLP since April 2021, Gary replaces previous managing director Andy Jarrett who has left the company.

Council leader, Cllr Jim Martin said:

“I am delighted with Gary’s appointment. We are moving into the exciting new phase of delivering Otterpool Park and with his wealth of large-scale delivery experience Gary is the right person to lead this and work with us to secure our joint venture partner.”

Gary (46) has more than 20 years of experience working on strategic schemes for master developers and has been involved in joint ventures with two previous companies, Urban & Civic and Countryside Properties.

Following this week’s appointment Gary said:

“Having worked for Otterpool LLP for the last two years I have the skills and experience to lead and manage this exciting project and make this new community a reality.”

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