Herne Bay Plaza: Your chance to revamp and reconnect the town

Imagine transforming a key spot in Herne Bay into a vibrant and lively place that creates jobs, attracts investment and brings the community together.

That’s the opportunity which Canterbury City Council is offering to community groups, charities and businesses who have a vision for what has become known as Herne Bay Plaza or Pier Plaza.

It’s located in the section of Central Parade that has been turned into an events space by Kent County Council (KCC) to make it more pedestrian-friendly and fun. The county council project aims to connect Herne Bay railway station and the seafront with a green and active route that invites people to explore the town’s shopping areas.

Cllr Chris Cornell, Cabinet Member for Coastal Towns, said:

“We know KCC’s scheme has not been universally popular with residents and people have a number of reservations.

“But with Christmas around the corner, we’re determined to step in and ensure this project doesn’t become a turkey now the work has been completed.

“We want to work with the community, charities and businesses to bring this part of the town alive with all sorts of activities and events that people will really want to be a part of, will really enjoy and will want to come back for, time and again.

“If we all work together, we can make this area really vibrant and really interesting rather than a glorified traffic island.”

As well as expressions of interest in community and charitable events and commercial activities, the council is looking for a tenant for an annual licence to manage the space.

If you are interested, please complete this form by Sunday 3 December.

If you have any questions about the Heads of Terms or this opportunity more generally, please contact our Property Services team by emailing property.services@canterbury.gov.uk for an informal discussion.

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