A violent offender from Dover has been jailed for more than four years after carrying out a series of savage assaults in the town during the summer.

Bradley Thomson, from Dover, left his victims with multiple injuries during a series of attacks in June 2023.

On Saturday 10 June, Thomson assaulted a man who had pulled over in his car after noticing a disturbance in London Road. The victim received multiple fractures to his face and injuries to his skull. Thomson also threatened the passenger in the car.

On Wednesday 14 June, Thomson frightened residents in the Tower Hamlets area of Dover when he began smashing up property and making threats with a two-pronged fork.

After being challenged about his behaviour, Thomson repeatedly stabbed a man who had tried to intervene, leaving his victim with cuts and puncture wounds from the fork.

Thomson then began threatening other individuals and as onlookers rushed to help. He became more aggressive, kicking a woman on the ground and beating a man with a belt.

Thomson was arrested later that day and after being searched, officers seized a kitchen knife and drugs that were found in Thomson’s possession.

On 16 June, Thomson was charged with causing grievous bodily harm with intent, a public order offence and one count of affray.

He was also charged with two counts of threatening with an offensive weapon in a public place, two counts of assault by beating, one count of common assault, possession of a bladed article in a public place and possession of cannabis.

Thomson, 25, pleaded guilty and admitted a further offence of actual bodily harm.

On Thursday 2 November, Thomson was sentenced at Canterbury Crown Court to four-and-a-half years in prison with a further three years to be served on licence.

Investigating officer Detective Constable Sophia Lateu, of East Kent CID, said:

‘Not only did Thomson wage fear on a community through his violent behaviour, he assaulted members of the public who had stepped in to try to help. It’s right that he should receive a significant sentence and it should serve as a warning that incidents like this won’t be tolerated. 

‘I’d like to commend the bravery of the witnesses in this case, and to remind community members that reporting these kinds of incidents to us is the best route to putting criminals behind bars and making our streets a safer place.’

By Ed

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