Margate Police Station

A man has been charged with multiple offences following a serious assault in Margate.

Kent Police was called to a report that a man had been assaulted in Athelstan Road at 5.30pm on Sunday 25 June 2023.

Officers attended along with South East Coast Ambulance Service and the man was taken to hospital for treatment. Another man was arrested nearby.

Following enquiries by Margate CID, a suspect has been charged with causing grievous bodily harm with intent and two counts of criminal damage.

The 32-year-old, from Margate, appeared before Folkestone Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday 27 June and was bailed to appear at Canterbury Crown Court on Monday 31 July.

Kent Police is focusing on tackling violent crime as part of the force’s ongoing Safer Summer initiative.

Click here for more information about #SaferSummer.

By Ed

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