Green Peer joins Hythe by-election campaign

Green peer Jenny Jones joined local party supporters campaigning this weekend ahead of Thursday’s Hythe West by-election as hopes rise that Jenni Hawkins could be on course to win the vote.

Jenny, Baroness Jones of Moulescoomb, is one of two Green members of the House of Lords. She represented the Green Party in the London Assembly from its creation in 2000 until standing down in 2016 and was Deputy Mayor of London from 2003 to 2004.

Baroness Jones of Moulescoomb

Shepway Green Party is confident that its candidate, Hythe town councillor Jenni, can retake Hythe West on Thursday, if people turn out and vote.

Jenny Jones’ visit followed one from Green Party Co-leader Carla Denyer earlier in the campaign.

Jenny said: “The Green Party has been so strong in this part of Kent at the town and district councils, and previously blazing a trail with Kent’s first Green county councillor, so I wanted to play my part in helping Jenni get the result she deserves in this by-election. Jenni’s demonstrated how hard she will work for the local community so voters know they can trust her to listen and act in their best interests.”

The by-election was called after the former Conservative councillor, who pushed the Greens into second place in 2021, stood down after he was revealed to have been a member of a fascist organisation.

If elected, Jenni, who has worked as a nurse, in education and in employment, promises to be a voice for all those needing support, whether that is families and vulnerable individuals struggling through the cost of living crisis or businesses facing rising costs.

She says: “Thank you to everyone I’ve met during the campaign who has taken the time to share with me the issues that matter to them, and thank you so much to Jenny Jones for travelling here to offer her support. I know we can do this but please don’t leave it to chance and make sure you vote.”

As part of the group controlling Hythe Town Council since 2019, Jenni has helped make the town safer through Hythe being the first council in the UK to introduce the Community Hub model, to take pressure off GP surgeries; greener by planting or donating 2,500 trees; and an even better place for families by replacing play equipment in several local parks.

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