Photo: Folkestone Town Council

On Thursday 17 November 2022 the Royal British Legion (RBL) Cheriton and Morehall  Branch was presented with Freedom of Entry to the Town of Folkestone by the Mayor of  Folkestone.

The title of ‘Freedom of Entry to the Town of Folkestone’ is the highest honour that a Town  Council can confer and it was presented to the Royal British Legion Cheriton and Morehall  Branch, in recognition of services to past and present members of the armed forces,  veterans and their families.  

Photo: Folkestone Town Council

The presentation was made at a Full Council meeting with invited guests including Deputy  Lieutenant – Major Dennis Bradley BEM, Shorncliffe Station Garrison Sergeant Major – WO1 Jason S Marriott, Chairman of Folkestone & Hythe District Council – Councillor  Phillip Martin, the RBL Kent County Chairman – Mr Richard Cast and members of the RBL  branch.

The current President, Mr Tim Geere and Past Chairman, Mr Trevor Mays, of the  branch stepped forward to be presented with the honour by the Town Mayor of  Folkestone, Councillor Nicola Keen. 

Councillor Keen said “The Royal British Legion has been a wonderful support to so many  of the serving and former servicemen and women who have made our town their home. 

“This is therefore a fitting honour. An opportunity for us to provide a lasting reminder of our  gratitude for all they do which benefits the armed forces veterans, their families, and our  town and the time and energy that many in the branch give to the Poppy Appeal and other  local fundraising which helps raise millions of pounds every year to support the armed  forces community. 

“Our councillors voted unanimously to bestow this honour which clearly demonstrates the  warmth and appreciation we have for their branch and their work throughout Folkestone. 

“It is therefore with respect and friendship that we are delighted to offer this right upon The  Royal British Legion Cheriton and Morehall Branch, and this presentation is especially  poignant at this time as it takes place with the branch having celebrated 100 years of its  formation last year.” 

Tim Geere said: “I am proud to be able to accept this magnificent honour of behalf of our  past and present Officers and members of the Branch. We strive to support the members  of the Armed Forces, Veterans and all their families locally as well as joining the Mayor  and Councillors to mark Civic Services of Remembrance.” 

The meeting ended with three cheers for the Branch and a reception was held in their  honour. 

Previous recipients of Freedom of Entry to the Town of Folkestone are: 

  • The Princess of Wales’s Royal Regiment 
  • The Royal Gurkha Rifles 
  • Sir Roger De Haan CBE DL 
  • The Canadian Armed Forces serving in the United Kingdom 

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