Kent author Tracy-Anne Barker at the launch of her new book in Canterbury
The Kent author of a new book on management joked about sending a copy to former Prime Minister Liz Truss as turmoil enveloped the Government.
Speaking just one day before Ms Truss stood down as Leader of the Conservative Party, Tracy-Anne Barker suggested she should send a copy of How Not to Balls it up – A Practical Guide to Modern Management to Number Ten.
“Maybe I should send our Prime Minister a courtesy copy and suggests she starts on page 24 where I talk about listening skills and then move to page 89 for decision making,” the management consultant suggested.
The launch of the book, held at Birley’s, part of the King’s School premises in Canterbury, was attended by a range of colleagues and business people who were keen to learn more about Tracy-Anne’s practical approach to team building and management.
The launch venue was particularly appropriate as it had a view of the school’s first team rugby pitch. As a keen fan, Tracy-Anne includes lessons drawn from rugby as a team sport in the impressive new work.

“Whether we are managers, supervisors, team leaders or directors, in fact, whatever our job title is, if we manage people, it is important to remember that it’s all about the team,” Tracy-Anne told the audience. “People can be the most annoying, but also one of most rewarding, parts of our job.
“How Not to Balls it up has been written to help and guide managers. I know that I could have done with something similar when I was rising through the ranks of management.
“It is designed as a go-to book which includes experiences I have encountered along the way and, as the title says, is designed to help you to learn how not to balls it up.”
Tracy-Anne has spent the past two years writing what she described as “a practical management book that would be an easy-to-read style, packed full of hints, tips, and checklists.”
One of the guest speakers at the launch was Kaz Macklin from Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce, who wrote the foreword to the book.
She said: “This afternoon’s celebration is the culmination of a lot of research, experience and dedication. The book does an excellent job of explaining a difficult concept clearly and with wit, alongside rugby references which made me smile.”
She added: “Tracy-Anne’s writing is realistic and relatable, and this book is a thoroughly well-crafted read.”
The book is available from , on Amazon and via Waterstones at