Checks: Officers stopped vehicles to check they were roadworthy

More than 35 people were reported for traffic offences during an operation by Kent Special Constabulary in Thanet at the weekend.

On Saturday 30 July 2022, Specials, Kent Police Cadets and local PCSOs stopped and checked over 70 vehicles in Pysons Road, Broadstairs, and Canterbury Road, Westgate-on-Sea as part of their ongoing work to keep the district safe.

Nearly 75 per cent of all vehicles stopped were reported for traffic offences.

Out of the 38 traffic offence reports (TORs) given out, 14 people were reported for not wearing a seatbelt, seven motorists were reported for having worn tyres and six people are facing further action for not displaying a proper number plate.

Three drivers received a TOR for not having the correct insurance and their vehicles were seized as a result.

A further nine people were given warnings regarding defective lights on their vehicles and two were spoken to about the tinting on their windscreens.

Special Inspector James Johnston said: ‘We regularly organise traffic operations to ensure people are playing their part in keeping the roads safe.

‘We hope that those reported for offences will reconsider their driving habits and check their vehicles more regularly for defects.’

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