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Seven people were reported for speeding offences in just an hour and a half in Maidstone when officers from the Roads Policing Unit carried out speed checks on the A20 in Ashford Road, Bearsted on Monday 4 July between 10pm and 11.30pm

The team issued seven traffic offence reports for excess speed. One driver was recorded as driving at a speed of 68mph in the 30mph zone.

These reports will now be processed and the drivers will be informed on the next course of action, which may include a court summons and points being added to their driving licences.

During the evening officers also arrested a man on suspicion of driving while under the influence of drugs when they stopped the vehicle and suspicions were raised there were drugs in the car. The 26-year-old man from Maidstone failed a roadside drug test and was taken into custody.

He has since been released under investigation.

PC Daniel Carter from the Roads Policing Unit said: ‘Travelling at excessive speed places yourself, and other road users, at unnecessary risk. All too often it is a contributory factor to serious collisions we attend.
`Speed limits are in place to help keep motorists safe and are not advisory – they must be followed at all times.
`We have regular patrols on Kent’s road network and where motorists are observed speeding, they are dealt with accordingly.’

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