Two jailed for 13 years after teenager stabbed in Maidstone

Two men have been jailed following a serious assault in Maidstone that left a victim with stab wounds.

At 4am on 3 July 2021, a young man in his late teens was in Lower Stone Street when he was approached by three men he did not know; Paul Ojo, Quinton Nelson and Kenneth Roberts.

Stabbed and kicked

Roberts then threatened him with a security stand and Ojo used a knife to stab him five times in the chest and abdomen. When the victim fell to the floor Nelson kicked his head twice.

Quinton Nelson and Paul Ojo DESKTOP
Paul Ojo and Quinton Nelson

The three men left the scene prior to the arrival of patrols and the victim received medical attention before being flown to hospital by the air ambulance. The security stand was recovered close to the incident and, when it was examined, crime scene investigators identified Roberts’ fingerprints.


An investigation was commenced by the Kent and Essex Serious Crime Directorate and detectives traced a taxi driver who had picked up the three men after the incident.

The driver had taken them to Medway and, following enquiries, all three were arrested at an address in Gillingham on 5 July. Burnt clothing was found in the rear garden of the premises that appeared identical to that worn by Nelson at the time of the assault.

CCTV at the scene was seized by investigators and Ojo and Nelson were later charged with causing grievous bodily harm with intent in a joint enterprise. Ojo was also charged with possession of a bladed article and Roberts with possession of an offensive weapon.

Roberts, of Anerley Vale, Crystal Palace, London pleaded guilty to his charge at Maidstone Crown Court. Ojo, of Barnfield Road, St Marys Cray and Quinton Nelson, of no fixed address, pleaded not guilty and were convicted at Maidstone Crown Court after an eight day trial.


On Tuesday 14 June 2022, 23-year-old Ojo was sentenced to nine years in prison. He was also given an extended licence period of two years. Nelson, aged 23, was jailed for four years and Roberts, aged 23, received a sentence of two years and eight months, suspended for a year and a half.

Investigating officer, Detective Constable Chris Brett, said: ‘This was a violent and cowardly attack by three men on a teenager. They then hurriedly left the victim with significant injuries and steps were taken to cover their tracks by burning clothing.

‘A swift and relentless investigation lead to the perpetrators’ arrest and the identification of damning evidence that has, quite rightly, put them behind bars.’

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