Canterbury councillor warns ‘we will come down like a ton of bricks’ on Enforcement officer attackers

Violent assaults, threats, racist abuse and insults have all been aimed at Canterbury City Council’s Civil Enforcement Officers in recent weeks.

The escalating number of incidents by a tiny minority of the people they come into contact with every day has prompted the council to warn they will push for the toughest possible sanctions via the police and the courts.

Recent incidents include:

The police are investigating all four incidents.

Cabinet member for enforcement, Cllr Ashley Clark, said: “This sort of behaviour is simply not on and we are determined to come down on these people like a ton of bricks.

“We will always push the police and the courts to impose the most serious punishment available. It’s simple – if you follow the rules like the vast majority of people, you will not get a ticket.

“Civil Enforcement Officers are someone’s loved one, parents, brothers, sisters and friends who are just doing their jobs and don’t deserve the abuse they receive while going about their business.

“Without them our roads would grind to a halt, buses would not be able to operate, parking spaces would be hogged by people, bins would not be able to be collected because dustcarts could not get through, the emergency services would not be able to get to people quickly enough to help them and school pick up and drop off times would be even more dangerous.

“They know it’s a thankless task and appreciate the support they get from the public most of the time.”

As a uniformed presence on the streets, Civil Enforcement Officers also go the extra mile to help people and have:

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