A man has been jailed for 14 years after he carried out a violent assault on a woman in Ramsgate.
An ambulance was called on Monday 11 January 2021 and Adam Fleming told the 999 call handler that a woman at his address was injured. His description of those injuries were downplayed according to another person who had attended the address out of concern for the welfare of the woman.

Life changing injuries
When paramedics arrived they found the victim with a serious head injury and extreme bruising to her face. Firefighters also attended to ensure the woman was safely brought down the stairs and into the ambulance where she was then admitted to hospital. Her injuries were so severe that she was airlifted to a London hospital for further treatment.
Fleming, of Old School Row, was questioned by Kent Police and despite telling officers he just ‘found her like that’, he was arrested and taken into custody. He continued to deny any involvement, saying that he was in another room and heard ‘a thud’ and thought she had suffered a fit.
The victim had in fact sustained multiple breaks, a bleed on the brain and had to be put into an induced coma for a period of time.
Fleming was charged with grievous bodily harm with intent and in September 2021 finally admitted to the charge. The 27-year-old was sentenced at Canterbury Crown Court on Tuesday 7 December 2021.
Investigating officer, Detective Constable Molly Turner, said: ‘Fleming caused his victim great pain and left her with life-changing injuries. No one should suffer in this way and violence against women is something that Kent Police takes very seriously. This prison sentence will not repair the damage that has been caused to this woman and the long term effect it is having on her and her family, but we hope that it will provide them with some reassurance that Fleming, a volatile and violent person, is now behind bars. Anyone who is or has been a victim of violence is urged to report it. Officers will fully investigate all reports and victims will be signposted to support networks that can help them rebuild their lives.’
DC Molly Turner