Bottle attacker jailed for horrific Canterbury assault

A 22-year-old man has been jailed for his part in a serious assault in Canterbury city centre.

In the early hours of Sunday 23 May 2021Callum Gabbitas became involved in the assault of two men in their 20s near the High Street, beating one with a glass bottle and a belt buckle.

As the victims walked with their friends in Mercery Lane, they passed Gabbitas who was with three other people. After a brief greeting between the two groups of people, Gabbitas became confrontational and, together with one of his group, he started to attack two of the other group. Gabbitas hit his victim in the face with a beer bottle, causing it to break. He then took his belt buckle and beat the victim.

The attack on the two victims continued down the High Street as they tried to get away, until door staff working nearby saw the incident and intervened.

Jailed: Callum Gabbitas


Police examined available CCTV footage which revealed that Gabbitas had left the scene via taxi. Officers traced his location and he was found, still wearing clothes stained with the victim’s blood and he was arrested for grievous bodily harm with intent.

Gabbitas’ victim suffered facial injuries which required hospital treatment.

Gabbitas, of Bramshaw Road in Canterbury, admitted affray and causing grievous bodily harm with intent and was jailed for five years and seven months on Friday 29 October 2021 at Canterbury Crown Court.


Investigating officer PC Samantha Lewis of Margate CID said: ‘Callum Gabbitas carried out a nasty attack and it was clear that he was intent on causing a serious injury, using not only a glass bottle but also his belt buckle to inflict damage.

‘The victims who were assaulted that night had tried to leave the area but it was not until other people intervened that the attack stopped. I am pleased the judge recognised the severity of this attack and Gabbitas’ sentence reflects that.’

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