Witnesses are being sought after a man was assaulted in Sheerness.

The victim was inside Bar Tantra, in Beach Street, on Sunday 3 October 2021 when he was reported to have been assaulted by a group of men at around 2am.

He was in the smoking area of the club when he saw a member of his family surrounded by seven unknown men. He approached the group to find out what was going on before he was hit over the back of his head.

The victim was then punched and kicked as he lay on the floor and sustained cuts and bruises.

One suspect was described as a white man aged between 25 and 28. He is said to be around six feet one inch tall with a slim build, blue eyes and brown/black hair cut into a crop style. He also had a goatee style beard and was wearing jeans.

Anybody who has information which may assist the investigation is asked to call the appeal line on 01795 419119, quoting crime reference 46/194042/21.

You can also contact Crimestoppers, anonymously on 0800 555111 or by using the online form on their website.

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