Woman jailed after cocaine found hidden in deodorant bottle seized in Tunbridge Wells

A Tunbridge Wells drug dealer is starting a prison sentence after officers found cocaine hidden inside a deodorant bottle.

On Thursday 10 June 2021, officers from the town’s Community Policing Team saw a VW Golf they suspected was being used in connection with the supply of drugs.

They stopped the car in Common View, Rusthall and after speaking to the driver, Ivelina Mladenova, completed a search of the vehicle.

Drugs seized

A deodorant bottle located in the driver’s door pocket was found to contain 14 wraps of cocaine. It was seized along with a mobile phone and £40 in cash.

The woman was arrested and, when an address she was using in Hadlow was searched, a further 30 cocaine deals and £570 were recovered.

The street value of the cocaine was later estimated to be £1,760.


Mladenova, of Foxhall Road, Ipswich, Suffolk was later charged with possession of cocaine with intent to supply and possession of criminal property, namely the cash seized.

The 21-year-old pleaded guilty at Maidstone Crown Court and, on Wednesday 11 August, was sentenced to one year and six months’ imprisonment.

Police Sergeant Ed Kavanagh said: ‘We are always alert for those who visit Tunbridge Wells to supply class A drugs and were quick to stop and search this dealer when she arrived in the town.
‘It doesn’t matter where these criminals hide their cocaine, we can generally work out where it is secreted and an arrest is the inevitable result. She will also be forfeiting the cash we seized.
‘Anybody else who seeks to travel here to make a profit on others’ misery can expect the same response.’

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