Surprise statistics lead to Kent Police campaign for safe driving on low speed roads

Officers from Kent Police’s Roads Policing Unit will be supporting a national week promoting safe driving on low speed roads.

The Global Road Safety Week runs from Monday 17 May 2021 until Sunday 23 May 2021 and advocates lower speed limits in cities worldwide in places where people mix with traffic.

Statistics show that pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists and other powered two-wheeler users are consistently overrepresented in all killed and seriously injured categories where collisions are most likely to occur on low speed, local roads.

In support of the campaign, officers from Kent Police will concentrate on hotspots and peak times for collisions on roads with a 30mph speed limit.

Speeding is one of the ‘fatal four’ causes of collisions

Inspector Thomas Pooley said: ‘Speeding is one of the ‘fatal four’ causes of collisions targeted by roads policing patrols on a daily basis in Kent. The others being mobile phone use, drink or drugs and seatbelt use.

‘Speed limits are in place for a reason and though you may wish to reach your destination quickly just a small reduction in your speed can reduce the likelihood of a collision.

‘This week offers us an opportunity to keep local communities safe by tackling neighbourhood speeding and will include high visibility patrolling and static speed checks on key hotspot areas within neighbourhoods on 30mph roads.’

‘Motorists caught speeding will be issued with a Traffic Offence Report (TOR) and face a fine, points on their licence or even court action. Some drivers can opt to take part in a speed awareness course.’

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