Cash and phones seized in Canterbury drugs investigation

Cash and phones have been seized as part of an investigation into alleged drug dealing in Canterbury.

Shortly after 4.30pm on Saturday 17 April 2021, officers on patrol in Stodmarsh Road stopped a car following reported suspicious activity.

A large amount of cash and a number of mobile phones were seized as part of an ongoing investigation.

Two men from Canterbury, aged twenty and twenty-one, and a twenty-five-year-old man from south London, were all arrested on suspicion of being concerned in the supply of class A drugs. They have been released pending further enquiries.

Detective Sergeant Vanessa Law of Kent Police said: ‘We are determined to make Kent a no-go area for drug dealing networks who exploit vulnerable people in our communities.

‘We will investigate any reports of potential drug dealing in the county and work to bring those involved before the courts.’

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