Drugs seized following Folkestone arrests

Cannabis, cash and suspected cocaine have been seized and two people arrested in Folkestone.

Officers from Kent Police’s County Line Team noticed suspicious activity in the Shorncliffe Road area of the town on Tuesday 30 March 2021.

A 26-year-old woman and a 24-year-old man were arrested on suspicion of possession of class A drugs with intent to supply.

A large amount of cannabis, a quantity of suspected cocaine, cash and mobile phones were seized as part of an ongoing investigation.

PC Nick Webb, of the County Line Team, said: ‘We continue to work around Kent to identify, disrupt and shut down county line activity.

‘I am pleased that the alertness of officers in this instance has led to the seizure of a large amount of illegal substances and the interruption of further drug dealing in Folkestone.’

Both of those arrested have been released under investigation while enquiries continue.

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