HGV supercab catches motorist putting on makeup at the wheel

A motorist caught reversing on the M2 and another applying her makeup at the wheel were among those targeted during a unique road safety operation.

Officers from Kent Police’s Road Safety Unit patrolled the county’s motorway network and the A2 in an unmarked HGV cab provided by National Highways, giving them a higher vantage point to spot certain offences.

A total of 26 Traffic Offence Reports (TORs) and 13 penalty notices were issued during the operation, which ran from Monday 5 to Friday 9 December 2022.

The unmarked HGV cab provided by National Highways

In addition to the motorist caught reversing up a slip lane on the M2 after missing the junction for Gillingham, other TORs were issued for a variety of reasons including driving without due care and attention, towing a trailer in the third lane, excess speed and failing to wear a seatbelt. Thirteen were issued for using a mobile phone at the wheel, including one driver who was watching footage on his device causing him to drift between lanes.

Meanwhile, two other drivers received court summonses for offences including driving whilst disqualified and without insurance.


Chief Inspector Craig West, Head of Roads Policing, said: ‘Whilst the vast majority of motorists adhere to the rules of the road, the results of this operation show there are still too many willing to put their own safety and that of other innocent people at risk.

‘I would like to thank our colleagues at National Highways for their assistance with this operation. Having access to an HGV is a great way to spot offences we might not otherwise have been able to, and is another way in which we are able to target those whose driving standards fall short of what the law expects of them.’

Selfish actions

Regional Safety Coordinator for National Highways in the South East of England, Colin Evans, said: ‘When the majority of people get behind the wheel they drive safely and sensibly, but unfortunately a small minority think the rules don’t apply to them and their selfish actions endanger the lives of others on the road network.

‘Working with our police partners in Kent, and using the unique perspective we get from the ‘supercab’, we are able to target those individuals with officers taking enforcement action where they believe it is appropriate.

‘We use the supercab across the country as a means of highlighting bad habits that put other road users in danger. Whatever vehicle you are in, please think about your behaviour when you get behind the wheel and help us make sure everyone gets home safe and well.’

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