The J10a/Sevington site in Ashford taking shape
Ashford has always promoted its transport links, but did you know it’s set to start providing a port health service next year?
In late September Defra told the council that the Sevington Inland Border Facility (IBF) is being designated a Border Control Post and that the council will become responsible for carrying out various port health controls on behalf of the government. This is in conjunction with other agencies such as the Animal and Plant Health Agency.
As a consequence of EU Transition, the local authority will become responsible for checks on imports of products of animal origin (POAO), high-risk food not of animal origin (HRFNAO) and animal by-products (animal products not for human consumption) imported from the EU.
The Border Control Post will operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year and currently estimated will involve over 124,000 checks per year. Over 120 staff are likely to be directly employed/engaged by the council. The service will be introduced on a phased approach with documentary checks starting on the 1 April 2021 and physical checks three months later.
Ashford Borough Council have asked government for financial and practical support in setting this up. It is also speaking to port health authorities across the country and they are providing help and advice. Many ports are however in a similar position whereby they are undertaking new and additional controls from the 1 April 2021.
The creation of new inland border facilities after EU transition is of national importance and the site at Sevington is a key part of the national plan. When fully operational it will be one of the largest in England.
Cllr Peter Feacey, Portfolio Holder for Community Safety and Wellbeing, said: “The new service being developed for the Sevington Border Control Post is definitely a challenge but equally is an exciting prospect for the borough council.
“The scale of the task is vast, logistically complex and extremely time sensitive. We are, however, fully committed to implementing the changes that are necessary and discharging our responsibilities. I am heartened by the support being provided by Defra, not only from a financial perspective but also practically in terms of designing and implementing this service in just a few months.
“I am also aware of the close collaboration between our council and Dover District Council, who face a similar challenge in their area, and am sure that both councils will rise to the challenge before them and provide these nationally strategic services.”
An officer steering group has been established under the leadership of the council’s Chief Executive to drive this project forward and arrangements are being made to start a significant recruitment campaign. Back-fill within services is also happening in order to create the necessary capacity to delivery this project.
Where necessary this will involve the recruitment of temporary staff.
Ashford Borough Council
As soon as we have received confirmation of the funding bid, the hard work really begins in terms of designing the service in detail. This includes developing a timeline for staff recruitment, identify the roles performed by the various staff groups, purchasing the required IT systems and integrating them with council back office systems, designing the checking processes, undertaking the necessary recruitment and beginning the various training programmes.