Residents living in the Dover district can now benefit from grant-funded gas central heating to help keep them warm and well this winter.

Cold homes are not just uncomfortable to live in, they can also have a negative impact on our health, which is why Dover District Council are actively looking for local residents who could potentially benefit from this scheme.

The Council has secured funding from Warm Homes Fund, and other applicable funding partners, to install a fully funded* gas connection, first-time gas central heating systems and other insulation measures for homeowners or private-renting tenants living in the district.

To be eligible, the homeowner/occupier must be in receipt of benefits, or on a low income living with someone in the household who is suffering from a health condition that is impacted by living in a cold home.

Households heated by storage heaters, electric radiators, or solid fuel fires are encouraged to apply. Eligible homes will be checked/surveyed to ensure they are in close proximity to the mains gas network.

Council Leader, Cllr Trevor Bartlett, said: “We are keen for the district’s residents to be able to stay warm and well this winter, especially as we are spending so much more time at home. This gas central heating installation scheme is free to those residents who qualify, and I actively encourage you to get in touch. If you know of any of our more vulnerable residents who could benefit, please help them to apply.”

For further information about all available grants, please visit our Discount and Energy Grants Schemes page.

For information about being prepared this winter, please visit our Winter Ready page on the council’s website.

*subject to survey, funding allocation and eligibility criteria

By Ed

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